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Vampire Gothic - KHERSON

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The Vampire's Vault
http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/~vampire/vvault.html 24.Июля.2008, 5:39:34
"I bid you welcome to this page dedicated to the Creatures of the Night. No other horror figure has so captured the imagination of the public as has the vampire. My interest in vampires started with vampire fiction many years ago. In spite of the popularity of these creatures of the night, it can often be quite difficult to find others with the same interests. So a few years ago, I started giving lectures in the hopes that other interested people would find me. It worked, and over the years I have met many others interested in all aspects of vampires.
However, there was a problem - before too long I had to branch out from fiction stories and learn more about all aspects of vampires in order to keep producing new lectures. Eventually the Transylvanian Society of Dracula came along, and I ended up on the executive. I'm having more fun than ever. Welcome to my favourite obsession......."
Категория: Ресурсы на английском и др. яз. | Добавил: RNGD_Sirius
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