Psychic is a Real vampire resource and support pages
This site is dedicated to the mysteries and Education of Psychic Vampirism. The Vampire Community is a diverse lot, with many different beliefs and belief systems. While this Site does not promote any one doctrine, the best efforts are made and maintained in order to represent them all equally. This site, written by Psychic Vampires; is dedicated to all other real Psychic Vampires from the newly awakened, to the seasoned Elders of the Vampire Community. This site is also meant to inform the public, and to dispell certain myths about Vampires.
A Psychic Vampire is a person, Who by reason of a condition of their spirit, needs to obtain vital energy from outside sources. They are unable to generate their own energy, and often times don't have the best capacity to store the energy they do have.
This Site is a good place to begin learning about psychic Vampirism, but it is in no means the be all and end all of sites. So often people read a book or find a site that is colored by only one perspective, and they are decieved into thinking that there is only that one perspective out there. You must decide what is right for YOU. The Resource Section contains all the information to learn about psychic vampirism, while the support section contains information on how to get connected within the community.